Bimber Lab Software

A listing of various software created and maintained by the Bimber Lab

Bimber Lab Software

While we are primarily an infectious disease lab, creating software to analyze and manage data is a substantial component of our work. Where possible, we try to package this into broadly useful, stable products and make these available to the broader community. Below are the primary categories of software we generate and support.

DISCVR-seq Toolkit

DISCVR-seq Toolkit is a suite of tools written using the GATK4 engine. Many of our sequence and variant analysis tools are writen into this toolkit. These tools include VariantQC, which can be used to create HTML summary reports from VCF files.

R Packages

Other scRNA-seq Tools

LabKey Modules

We heavily use LabKey Server for a range of tasks, including basic lab functions (data and sample management), as well as management and analysis of most of our sequence data. Our modules fall into several categories:

External Contributions

Lab members have contributed to the following projects: