Run Celltypist
Runs celltypist on a seurat object and stores the calls as metadata
modelName = "Immune_All_Low.pkl",
pThreshold = 0.5,
minProp = 0,
useMajorityVoting = TRUE,
mode = "prob_match",
extraArgs = c("--mode", mode, "--p-thres", pThreshold, "--min-prop", minProp),
assayName = Seurat::DefaultAssay(seuratObj),
columnPrefix = NULL,
maxAllowableClasses = 6,
minFractionToInclude = 0.01,
minCellsToRun = 200,
maxBatchSize = 1e+05,
retainProbabilityMatrix = FALSE,
runCelltypistUpdate = TRUE
- seuratObj
The seurat object
- modelName
The model name or path to celltypist model
- pThreshold
By default, this would be passed to the –p-thres argument. However, if you also provide extraArgs, this is ignored.
- minProp
By default, this would be passed to the –min-prop argument. However, if you also provide extraArgs, this is ignored.
- useMajorityVoting
If true, the celltypist –majority-voting option will be added.
- mode
Passed directly to the celltypist –mode argument. Either best_match or prob_match
- extraArgs
An optional list of additional arguments passed directly on the command line to cell typist
- assayName
The name of the assay to use. Others will be dropped
- columnPrefix
A prefix that will be added to the beginning of the resulting columns, added the
- maxAllowableClasses
Celltypist can assign a cell to many classes, creating extremely long labels. Any cell with more than this number of labels will be set to NA
- minFractionToInclude
If non-null, any labels with fewer than this fraction of cells will be set to NA.
- minCellsToRun
If the input seurat object has fewer than this many cells, NAs will be added for all expected columns and celltypist will not be run.
- maxBatchSize
If more than this many cells are in the object, it will be split into batches of this size and run in serial.
- retainProbabilityMatrix
If true, the celltypist probability_matrix with per-class probabilities will be stored in
- runCelltypistUpdate
If true, –update-models will be run for celltypist prior to scoring cells.