Run scGate using Rhesus macaque models
Helper function to run scGate, iterating the provided models and generating a consensus field
min.cells = 30,
assay = "RNA",
pos.thr = 0.13,
neg.thr = 0.13,
ncores = 1,
genes.blacklist = "default",
dropAmbiguousConsensusValues = FALSE
- seuratObj
The seurat object
- min.cells
Passed directly to scGate::scGate. Stop iterating if fewer than this number of cells is left
- assay
Passed directly to scGate::scGate. Seurat assay to use
- pos.thr
Passed directly to scGate::scGate. Minimum UCell score value for positive signatures
- neg.thr
Passed directly to scGate::scGate. Maximum UCell score value for negative signatures
- ncores
Passed directly to scGate::scGate. Number of processors for parallel processing (requires future.apply)
- genes.blacklist
Passed directly to scGate::scGate. Genes blacklisted from variable features. The default loads the list of genes in scGate::genes.blacklist.default; you may deactivate blacklisting by setting genes.blacklist=NULL
- dropAmbiguousConsensusValues
If true, any consensus calls that are ambiguous will be set to NA